"The premier channel on YouTube for the martial arts and everything related!"
Deadly & Fast, the Martial Art of Arnis with Grandmaster Bobby Taboada
Shaolin Temple Kung Fu in the Pagoda Forest
The Truth About Shaolin Temple Kung Fu Training
Japanese High School Girls are Female Samurai Warriors (Part-1)
Shaolin Tiger Form Kung Fu in the Pagoda Forest
Swordsmanship of Haga Dojo, Budokan
What is Sanchin? by Goju-ryu karate master, Morio Higaonna.
Harajuku Lebels in Tokyo
Kyudo in a Japanese High School
Yoshinkan Aikido Demonstration with Tsuneo Ando
Jukendo, the Japanese Martial Art of the Bayonet
Arnis and the Making of Smoking-Sticks