Tsunehiro Arai Sensei Teaching at Shorinji Kempo Hombu
Trailer from our Masters Series, Tsunehiro Arai 7th dan Shorinji Kempo teaching at Shorinji Kempo Hombu. Arai Sensei is president of the Shorinji Kempo Federation.
Trailer from our Masters Series, Tsunehiro Arai 7th dan Shorinji Kempo teaching at Shorinji Kempo Hombu. Arai Sensei is president of the Shorinji Kempo Federation.
Tetsuhiro Hokama, 10th Dan has dedicated his life researching the history of Karate. He is known as “The Keeper of Okinawa’s secrets.”
Samurai culture and one of its most peculiar aspect: the heraldic emblems known as Kamon.
A series of interviews with Dr. Alex Bennett, 7th dan kyoshi in Kendo and 5th dan Iaido and Naginata and well known author of Budo.
A series of interviews with Dr. Alex Bennett, 7th dan kyoshi in Kendo and 5th dan Iaido and Naginata. Alex is also a leading author on Budo.
The official trailer for the Portuguese version of Episode One: Karatedo from the Warriors of Budo series. Future episodes include Aikido, Judo, Kendo and ShorinjiKempo.