The State of Traditional Martial Arts
The State of Traditional Martial Arts is a look at the current health and future of Japanese martial arts with a focus on traditional karate. Is our future rosy or bleak?
The State of Traditional Martial Arts is a look at the current health and future of Japanese martial arts with a focus on traditional karate. Is our future rosy or bleak?
Add Tai Chi to your Martial Art practice, such as Japanese Karate, Judo and Jujutsu, for improved balance, internal strength and less strain and stress
Why bother with Aikido or any traditional martial art for that matter? This is the question we want you to consider after reading this article from the Guardian newspaper, which we publish in full here with credits.
Unique Japan, an antique sword dealer in Tokyo, has kindly allowed us to showcase their latest beautifully photographed Japanese sword catalog volume 40. Our subscribers can download this fine publication.
In Aikido: Unleashing Peace in Combat, we show how aikido has remained true to the founder, Morihei Ueshiba’s vision for a non-violent way to end confrontation and why this may be misunderstood.
By discovering Ikigai through Martial Arts, you add a new dimension beside fighting skills. You embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and personal growth. When life becomes overwhelming, Martial Arts training is a beacon of hope.
Is this Martial Art Video Genuine? This is a question we must now ask when the majority of martial arts the public is seeing are coming from social media. We ask this question because most martial arts video are being filmed solely for social media?
Half a Million Reasons to Pop the Champagne! Today we reached 500k Subscribers on YouTube. We joined YouTube in 2006, shortly after it was launched and now we have started to grow…
You cannot keep politics out of Karate organizations and Sensei Morio Higaonna is embroiled in Politics with Goju-Ryu Karate IOGKF. It seems history keeps repeating itself.