A Milestone Achievement: Half a Million and Counting!
There’s no better feeling than reaching a major milestone, and we are thrilled to announce that our YouTube channel has just hit a whopping half a million subscribers! It’s been an amazing journey to reach 500k Subscribers on YouTube, one filled with a lot of sweat and a lot of hard work. We couldn’t be more grateful for the incredible support we’ve received from our loyal followers and viewers.

From humble beginnings to 500,000 followers.
We first joined YouTube in 2006, just a few months after it was launched. At that time we had just two completed feature length documentaries – The Empty Mind and The Zen Mind. Our third movie, Warriors of China had just begun shooting. From these humble beginnings to half a million fans! Our YouTube channel has come a long way. We embarked on this exciting adventure with a simple vision in mind – to create content that brings joy and positivity into the lives of our viewers. In this regard, we presented martial arts, not just as a fighting art with technique but with an absorbing history and philosophy behind every genre. This led us to stray away from our intended mission with great results in producing feature length films on subjects such as Zen Buddhism, Yoga and traditional Chinese medicine. However, martial arts was always our first and strongest love.
The Empty Mind Community
It’s immensely satisfying to know that our content resonates with people from different walks of life. It was our intention that once we reached sufficient followers, we would launch a community to bring everyone together to share ideas and points of view. Your support, comments, and shares have been the driving force behind our growth. Each one of you has played a vital role in helping us reach this monumental milestone. Your enthusiasm and engagement have motivated us to push ourselves creatively and consistently improve our content. We are grateful for your unwavering support.
We have now begun posting in our YouTube community area and our hope is that you will join us, comment and share your ideas. It is about the connections we have formed and the support we provide to one another.
Our YouTube Page
It was always our intention from the day we built our first Empty Mind website in 2003, and the day we joined YouTube in 2006, that we would bring the two together. This month we brought this dream closer by launching a YouTube page on this website. From here you can sample the short videos of sixty seconds or less that fueled our rapid growth on our channel.
This is only the beginning of converging the two and we hope, technology willing, to bring our YouTube Community to the Empty Mind Films website. Stay tuned for this exciting event, where you, our loyal customer, can join one of the largest martial art communitues on the web!
Reaching for the Stars: Our Next Goal
Reaching half a million subscribers is just the beginning! We’re more inspired than ever to continue delivering high-quality, entertaining, and meaningful content to all of you. Our channel will always strive to be a hub of positivity and inspiration. Our aim is to reach one million subscribers within the next eighteen months. It is a big task, but no bigger that what we have already achieved, with your help.
We do not forget that behind these large numbers is a human being. A person that shares our love of the martial arts and Asian culture. So to you, we say keep sharing, subscribing, and spreading the knowledge. Together, let’s reach for the stars and make the next half a million subscribers a reality!