Master Di Guoyong Teaching Xingyi Quan, Beijing
Trailer for our Masters Series with Master Di Guoyong, the World’s leading authority on the internal martial art of Xingyi Quan and Bagua Zhang.
Trailer for our Masters Series with Master Di Guoyong, the World’s leading authority on the internal martial art of Xingyi Quan and Bagua Zhang.
Trailer from our Masters Series, Tsunehiro Arai 7th dan Shorinji Kempo teaching at Shorinji Kempo Hombu. Arai Sensei is president of the Shorinji Kempo Federation.
Trailer for The Masters series with Master Bobby Taboada teaching Balintawak Arnis at the Nickelsticks Escrima Club in Cebu City.
The official trailer for the Portuguese version of Episode One: Karatedo from the Warriors of Budo series. Future episodes include Aikido, Judo, Kendo and ShorinjiKempo.
This is the official Portuguese trailer for Warriors of Budo. A seven episode series on major Japanese Budo.
Shorinji Kempo 70 Years celebrates their 70th anniversary, with a World Shorinji Kempo Taikai and three day International Study Session.
Trailer for The Island Art of Silat. A Journey across Indonesia to uncover the secrets a relatively undiscovered martial art… Pencak Silat.
UFC Champion Jonathan Brookins reflects on his MMA career… “My opponent being myself has been tougher than anyone else I have ever fought.”
When Jonathan Brookins was named Ultimate Fighter after winning the 12th Season UFC Finale, he was about to face a much tougher opponent… himself.