Kendo World Magazine Interview

Kendo World Magazine is devoted to Japanese budo (martial arts) with a primary focus is Kendo. Kendo World Magazine is a twice yearly (June and December) print and ebook publication packed full of articles on kendo and related budo arts. The magazine was founded in 2001 by the editors Alex Bennett and Hamish Robison. Beside Kendo, Kendo World Magazine also cover iaido, naginata, jodo, jukendo and tankendo, as well as other koryū. In addition to these martial arts, Kendo World also contains articles of cultural and historical significance on various subjects related to Budo.

Kendo World gathers an international network of experienced martial artists spread across Japan and the world. The Kendo World Team is constantly trying to improve not only the quality of the publications, but the strength of the international kendo community. We would like to thank you for your interest in Kendo World, and look forward to seeing you in our different events. See our post with part one of an in-depth interview with Kendo World editor, Alex Bennett. Visit Kendo World Magazine.

The following interview took place in Japan during the filming of our Warriors of Budo series. Kendo World interview by Michael Ishimatsu-Prime.