A Samurai Summer… with a book

Masters of Budo
A SAMURAI SUMMER is forecast… ! Some news on our first book… we hope to release our book, Masters of Budo: The Interviews at the end of July. We think you will agree the delay was worth it when you get your copy… it’s 325 pages, packed with photographs and anecdotes alongside the interviews of each master. The interviews average 10 pages each and are unabridged with reference quality translation and behind the scene’s story’s. We have attached the chapter list of interviews. Search our movie store for more master names.
NOTE: Available in paperback on Amazon at just $19.99… PRINT VERSION HERE.
Our books will be available through the Apple bookstore, Amazon Kindle bookstore and on our website in major digital publishing formats. We hope to have a print version with limited photographs (sadly a cost issue) by the end of the year.
Our second book release is aimed for late September and we will bring you this news in the next few days. You can also check news at our Facebook page. Enjoy your summer with a cold beer and a book…!
Book cover
Masters of Budo